The Rediscovery Centre |

The Rediscovery Centre is a retail recycling centre and salvage yard where you can buy, drop-off and rediscover second-hand, re-used, pre-loved goods.
The Rediscovery Centre is located on Commonage Road and is open weekdays from 8:00am-4:00pm and weekends 9:30am-2:30pm (Closed Good Friday, Christmas Week and New Years Day).
What can you drop off or rediscover?
Books, bicycles, building material, timber, household items, tools, toys, furniture and other unwanted goods in working order - so they can be rediscovered by someone else.
The Centre also sells the mulch and crushed glass that is produced on-site.
Is it FREE to drop-off items?
Yes, there is no charge to drop-off the above items at The Rediscovery Centre. Please note that The Rediscovery Centre reserves the right to reject unacceptable items based on type of item or its condition.
Mulch & Crushed Glass
The Rediscovery Centre also sells the mulch and crushed glass that is produced on-site. All fees and charges can be found here..
Greenwaste disposed of by residents at the transfer station is recycled into mulch which can be purchased at The Rediscovery Centre.
Crushed Glass
All non-10c refundable glass except sheet or film-covered glass, disposed of at the Transfer Station is crushed in regional Australia largest glass crusher. The product is then used across town in concrete mix and pavers, among other things.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ Commonage Road Alice Springs View Map
℅ Mparntwe
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ The Rediscovery Centre
❊ Also See.. ❊
➼ Alice Springs Town Council
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