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Australian weather forecasts, weather radar, climate and historical trends.
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Adelaide Oval
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Melbourne Cricket Ground
Werribee Gorge National Park
Wet'n'Wild Water World
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World weather forecasts
The start of Justweather traces back to 2017 when our Founder Ryan Blundell launched our sister website (Tideschart.com), driven by a mission to provide vital information to some of the world's most remote and underserved locations. As an avid traveller, Ryan observed a significant gap in the availability of essential marine forecasting in many of the most remote and isolated places on Earth.
In 2018 our mission was extended to Justweather.com (formerly Myweatherwatcher) where we provide forecasting in 9 languages for more than 7,500,000 locations like Pantai Tapak Kera, Sumatra, Indonesia.
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